Course curriculum

    1. 05/01/2022 the point of the week Lung 1 with Cliff

    2. 15/12/21 Cliff finds interesting points to calm the Shen/Spirit/Mind Yang Tang M-HN-3

    3. 08/02/23 point of the week is Heart 1 & 3 with Basti

    4. 28/09/22 the point of the week is Heart protector 9 with Basti

    1. On 09/03/2022 Cat mixes it up and combines 2 Points of the week- Stomach 44 and Liver 3!

    2. 02/11/22 the point of the week is Gall Bladder 1 with Cat

    3. Late Summer 18/08/2021 point of the week ST 36 with Basti

    4. 14/12/22 the point of the week is Liver 8 with Basti

    1. 03/08/22 the point of the week is Kidney 1 with Cliff

    2. 17/08/22 the point of the week is Kidney 3 with Cat

    3. 16/02/2022 Point of the week Large Intestine 11 with Basti

    4. On 01/06/2022 the point of the week is Small Intestine 1 with Cliff

    1. 11/01/23 point of the week is CV 3 with Cat

    2. 17/11/21 point CV 4 with Cliff

    3. 18/01/23 point of the week CV6 with Shakura

    4. 22/12/21 point GV 20 with Cliff

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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