Clifford Andrews will hold a master class 'Putting it all together' - how to integrate diagnosis and treatment to maximise the result of your Shiatsu Session. Come along to be inspired, explore vibrational levels, and attain a 7 hour CPD certificate!

Clifford Andrews has loved giving and receiving Shiatsu since he attended his very first workshop in 1981. Cliff started the Shiatsu Centre (formerly the Shiatsu Rooms) in 1983 and in 1986 he was fortunate to be apprenticed by Pauline Sasaki in the USA. As well as setting up and practicing at The Shiatsu Centre Norwich, Cliff is currently working on supporting the worldwide Shiatsu community with his online project at New Energy Work.

'Putting it all together' - how to integrate diagnosis and treatment to maximise the result of your Shiatsu Sessions

  • Draw on all the college weekends of the year, allowing your shiatsu practice to come together

  • Explore the Vibrational Levels

  • A refresh and recap on all your shiatsu & bodywork experience to enhance your practice!