Course curriculum

    1. Sun Sept 22nd: Moving from the spine, with Cat

    2. Sun Oct 13th: Autumn, connecting to the breath and letting go, with Cat

    3. Sun Nov 10th: Earthy Qi Gong and Energy Work with Basti

    4. Sun Dec 15th: Gentle Heart opening Yoga with Cat

    1. Downloadable handout: Alternate Nostril Breathing

    1. Sun Sept 24th: Connecting to breath and changing season with Cat

    2. Sun Oct 15th: Energy & Breath work with Shakura

    3. Sun Nov 12th: Earthing and grounding to gently open and make space in the body with Cat

    4. Sun Dec 10th: Heart warming gentle circulation with joyous movements with Cat

    1. Sun Jan 21st: Water connection, moving like a wave and brushing the nerves with Cat

    2. Sun Feb 18th: Qigong with Basti!

    3. Sun Mar 17th: Opening and releasing the fascia, connecting with Triple Heater, with Cat

    4. Sun Apr 22nd: Wood Element Movement and QiGong with Shakura

    1. May 19th: Makko Ho with Basti

    2. June 16th: Opening CV and GV with gentle movement, with Cat

    3. July 21st: Yoga around the Meridians with Cat

    1. Sept 25th: Easing the body, creating space and connecting to the breath with Cat

    2. Oct 16th: Ujjayi breath, prerecorded yoga repeat with Cat

    3. Nov 13th: Warm up, Energy exercises with Dinah

    4. Dec 11th: Earth Element, connecting into front of the body, using gravity for ease in your body with Cat

About this course

  • 38 lessons
  • 36 hours of video content