Springtime Shiatsu for All
Sunday 3rd March 2024
10.30 - 13.00, 
followed by bring-and-share lunch, 13.00 - 14.00
Cost £30 - if you sign up for our longer courses starting in Autumn 2024, this payment can be taken off your course fees.

At Bodywise Natural Health Centre, in Manchester Buddhist Centre, Turner St M4 (Manchester city centre/Northern Quarter)

Come and learn some Shiatsu for Springtime! This is a time of year when our energy can start to bubble up. We might feel ready to be refreshed, or to look for a new vision, or to get ourselves moving. Or perhaps we are looking to relax into brighter days, or find some fun and enjoyment.
Join us for a morning of learning Shiatsu, giving and receiving some simple Shiatsu treatments, finding some great acupressure points, doing some movement practice.
You will be joining the current students of the Shiatsu College Manchester, and some of our staff. It's a great taster to see if you would like to join us for our longer courses starting in the Autumn.
Followed by our customary shared vegetarian lunch - stay and have a chat about learning shiatsu with us.

contact Hannah to book: [email protected]